Tuesday, 8 December 2015

BLOGMAS DAY EIGHT: The Christmas Tag

HIYA EVERYONE! I've missed actually typing out words. Photo posts are all well and good but they can be a bit too much for some people! Especially 5 in a row! Anyways, as I very rarely go outside and do stuff, I think all you'll get from me for the rest of blogmas is chatty posts with pictures of food or christmas trees thrown in.

I saw this tag on another blog, so I thought it would be a great thing to do on mine. 

Favourite Christmas movie? 
Must I pick just the one? *sighs* 'White Christmas'. There is nothing I don't like about that movie. In fact, there is nothing I don't like about any Christmas movie. 

Do you open your Christmas presents in the morning or afternoon? 
In the morning, after breakfast. Even as a child, I used to open my stocking in bed and then have to wait until breakfast was over to open all my main presents.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory? 
Having my grandparents (Dad's parents) over for dinner either on Christmas Day itself or Boxing Day. They used to alternate the days each year between us and the rest of the family.

Favourite festive food? 
PIGS IN BLANKETS!! yumyumyum!

Favourite Christmas gift? 
I can't remember how old I was, but my grandparents gave a box set of all the Narnia books one year and I finished reading the whole lot within a week.

Favourite Christmas scent? 
The smell of all the baking with cinnamon and mixed spice, mingled together with festive scented candles of frankincense.

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
I used to go to Midnight Mass, but as I've worked pretty much the last few Christmas Eve's, the only tradition I have is going home, falling on the sofa and watching either something carolly on the TV or putting on a Christmas movie! With a strong mug of coffee in my hand and a mince pie on my plate of course.

What tops your tree? 
An angel who you'll surely meet when we eventually buy our tree (real all the way). We've had her on our tree for as long as I can remember.

What's the best part of Christmas for you? 
Giving presents. Spending time with your loved ones. Everyone saying a hearty "merry christmas!" to each other even if they are strangers.

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