Thursday, 5 March 2015

February Favourites

How is it already March??? I swear it was New Years Eve only yesterday. Before we know it, it will be December again and the year will be almost over... *cries*

ANYWAYZ, here are the things that I loved last month.

Percy Pigs
I have eaten about a zillion of these recently. If you don't live in the UK or maybe you live in a cave, these are quite possibly the 2nd best sweets in existence (Haribo are the best). They are full of sugary goodness and I think they got me through writing my 'Losing Faith In Humanity' rant.

FUN FACT: M&S also do a 'Fizzy Pig Tails' version of them and one time at work, those of us working late ate a few too many of them and we got a bit giggly and just generally hyper because they are totally covered in sugar. (Keelin, I know you read my blog, do you remember that night? Fun-times.)

Cath Kidston bag

I love this bag so much. I'm very fussy about the size of my handbags. My previous one to this was really nice and vintagey, but it wasn't very spacious, and space it what I need because I never throw anything away and I need to be prepared for every eventuality, e.g. umbrella, ibuprofen, plasters, a wooly hat. The only issue that I have with it is the length of the strap, which even pulled right out still wasn't long enough for my giraffe like body, but luckily Michelle came to the rescue with an old bag strap of hers so the two joined together is perfect.

Pink and White Wafers
Another food item. Supposedly low in calories but I don't believe it. Sorry.

Less than 2% fat?? Yeah right. The wafers on their own maybe as they taste like cardboard but I can't accept it about the marshmellowy goodness in the middle. All things considered, they are still highly addictive.

The 6 Nations
Do I really need to explain why I'm enjoying a rugby tournament so much? Yes, England are doing not so good, but hey, RUGBY PLAYERS. Hnng.

The Sims 4
When this was first released to the world last year, I was in two minds about getting this as I love Sims 3 and without the various expansion packs, I was like "what is the actual point?". Then I started to watch some gaming videos about it on Youtube and I realised how much more content it had and the graphics are just WOW. Thank the Lord (or EA..) for confirming the dates for expansion packs! 

Dan and Phil (aka LIFE RUINERS)
How do I explain how much I love these two dorks without sounding like I'm a massive fangirl. I don't know if it's possible but I will try. Dan and Phil are two Youtubers (clicky-click on their names for their channels) who duel-handedly got me through what was quite possibly the most crappiest mood ever. Let me explain. At the end of January, I was in a really shit mood. I don't know if was the January blues or just general melancholia but one day I decided to watch one of their videos and 15 hours later, I felt a whole lot better. They just make me so happy because they are as dorky and awkward as me. YAY! 
So, if for some reason that they ever read this (help me), I thank them so much for being in my internet life.

Coming soon to this blog: CAKE. I think I will post this....Sunday? I'm off to Oxford tomorrow until Saturday to see Collabro in concert, so there may also be photos of Oxford shenanigans. 

Toodles xx

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