Sunday, 27 March 2016

A Wander Through My Week | 12 of 52

HI! *slaps self on wrist for not blogging more often* I'm still suffering from le epic 'bloggers block' and it's quite frustrating. *sigh*

18th March 2016

Pretty purple lights at Bristol Harbourside. Yes, I actually went outside *gasps* but when a friends birthday includes alcohol and food (mainly alcohol) then one must leave the house.

19th March 2016

Arrived home from Keelin's to find my favourite Disney film on the TV.

20th March 2016

I only went and walked 6 miles for Sports Relief! Keelin and I are so bloody proud of ourselves for this. 

21st March 2016

The lilies are still alive! Although, if it was up to me to water them, they'd be dead by now.

22nd March 2016


23rd March 2016

The sign of a well-read book. It is quite possible that I dropped into the bath on one of my past reads, which didn't help things.

24th March 2016

'Innocent' packaging is as good as, maybe even better, than that of 'Lush'.
I can't believe the lies that we have been told!

Do you know what? I managed to write this in under 30 minutes! That must be a record for me! I was under a bit of pressure to get it posted as not only am I a day late (again), at 8pm there is a TV programme on about The Queen and I want to give it my full attention.

See you later mes petites!

Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Wander Through My Week | 11 of 52

First of all, I'd like to apologise for being a day late with my weekly photo diary. I had a late night on Friday and then had to survive the day on 5 hours sleep. I could barely stay awake to watch England Rugby win the Grand-Slam at the 6 Nations, so blogging was so not going to happen.

As for the lack of other posts lately, well, I just haven't felt like writing. I mean, the ideas are stored up here *taps head*, but actually having the motivation to do anything? Nope. 

11th March 2016

Today was a high ponytail and a striped bow from Tiger kind of day.

12th March 2016

Pretty lilies that my Mother bought. I love looking at lilies but I rather hate the smell as they can be overpowering. Luckily, these ones aren't so bad.

13th March 2016

Dinnertime at 'Bill's' with some of my favourite work people. Pancakes were on the dessert menu and I can never say no to pancakes. These were glorious. Oh, and so was the hot chocolate that I had to accompany it.

14th March 2016

Look at me being all healthy on my break! I must have been fruit deprived because I had been craving it all morning.

15th March 2016

Sneaky photo of me being at a very adulty place. All will be revealed soon.

16th March 2016

Spent my afternoon on the Ikea website building a shopping list of things I would buy for my future home.

17th March 2016

Oh look. I went to Waitrose and I bought cake. What a shocker.

I can't make any promises for the coming week with regards to any activity on here. I'd like to think that I'll be able to sit down one afternoon and just type away.

Until then, ciao!

Saturday, 12 March 2016

A Wander Through My Week | 10 of 52

Well my lovelies, long time no see.

I returned to work this week and I have had absolutely no energy or motivation to write anything and as it is, I'm leaving this to the very last minute. 


And now I'm sat here eating Milk Duds to give me a sugar boost. I blame my local Tesco Express for this. I only went in for cake and then I spotted that they now stock American candy. We all know my weakness for this.

4th March 2016

NEW WORK SHOES!! They are so frickin' comfortable! They may look like slippers, and they may feel like you are wearing slippers too but they are not. I promise you. 
These are £25.00 on ASOS and they are from the Men's shoe department because I have big feet. Here is what they look like close up (from
*strokes lovingly*

5th March 2016

According to Timehop, today marked the three year anniversary since I went to see this in the cinema whilst waiting for Michelle to finish work for the day, I remember being SO excited to hear this was being made into a movie because it was (is) one of my favourite Nicholas Sparks novels. 
On that note, I am looking forward to seeing The Choice as I have vague memories of liking that book too. 

6th March 2016

Chandelier goals at the Guildhall where my parents and I went to see the actor who plays Dr. Turner in Call the Midwife talking about his new book (about Call the Midwife funnily enough).

7th March 2016

An accurate representation of what I had for dinner in the form of Haribo.
(it was bacon and eggs, and a can of Diet Pepsi)

8th March 2016

On my way to my first early at work after my break. Can you see the mornings getting lighter?! Two weeks ago, it was pretty much still dark out at 6am.
SUMMER IS ON IT'S WAY! woopwoop!

9th March 2016

My absolute favourite chocolate chip cookies at the moment. 
They are the 'Big and Chunky' from Maryland and they are the best.

10th March 2016

The Guides were making pom-pom rabbits and I thought I'd try to make one myself. Due to a slight mishap with making a pom-pom, I ran out of time to make a 'head', so I just turned the one I did finish into a dangly ball of squish!

Do you realise that I have now taken a whole 70 photos for this? I never thought I'd keep it going for so long. Here's to another 70!

See y'all next week!


Saturday, 5 March 2016

A Wander Through My Week | 9 of 52


This week started off with me still limping from my little accident and it ended with me suffering from the plague. I've lost count of how many times I've sneezled in the last couple of days and I've reached the point where I just feel really pathetic and...blah. The only way I'm able to write this is the coffee I drunk and I've got my massive scarf tucked over my legs as a sort of comfort blanket. Oh, and my Spotify playlist is on shuffle. It's always good to have a bit of background noise to help you get on with all the things.

26th February 2016

Started off my week by spending the night at Keelin's and we had a re-match of this. It is actually really difficult and some of the questions are really obscure. Of course it didn't help that we had a couple of glasses of wine in us though...

27th February 2016

The Godson got given a (cheap) camera for his birthday, and as you can see, he loves it. I hope his enthusiasm for photography never leaves him.

28th February 2016

 Went shopping in town today and this nutter climbed a 15 ft pole and did a handstand on top of it.

29th February 2016

Wrote another Lush haul today! I love playing around with various photography apps on my phone. My favourites at the moment are VSCO for the filters and Facetune to make white backgrounds whiter.

1st March 2016

I BAKED A BANANA AND NUTELLA CAKE TODAY!! You can read the recipe for it here.

2nd March 2016

Mini skincare haul! 
La Roche-Posay - Effaclar because I want to try and wean myself off my trusty Lush cleanser. As much as I love it, it's not cheap to buy. 
La Roche-Posay - Serozinc because I was running out of the one I bought last year.
Embryolisse - Lait Crème Concentré because I've heard amazing things about this moisturiser and my skin is quite dry in places at the moment. (damn you Winter!)

3rd March 2016

Back on the Lemsip due to the plague that I mentioned earlier. Eurgh.

And that's that for this week. On Monday I am back at work. *sighs* Where did the last two weeks go? It's amazing how quickly time flies when you are doing diddly-squat.

See y'all soon!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Banana & Nutella Cake | BAKING

It seems absolutely ages since I last baked purely for myself. The last couple of times that I've made a a cake or cookies was for charity bake sales at work, and that's not the same thing as eating the end result yourself. Which I'm not going to do obvz, but you get the idea.

I saw this recipe on the interwebs and I knew I had to try it as I've got a about billionty jars of Nutella that I've somehow acquired. So the other day, I purposely bought more bananas than needed just so I could make it.


4 old bananas (Do not use ripe ones! They won't mush up as well)

100g soft butter
140g plain flour
1 tsp baking power
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 large eggs
140g light brown sugar
4 heaped tbsp Nutella 
2 tbsp milk


1. Preheat oven to 180c/350f/GM4 and line a loaf tin with greaseproof paper or one of those handy loaf tin liners that you can buy.
2. Mush up the bananas with a fork in a mixing bowl. Don't worry if you can't get it totally smooth.
3. Add in the butter, flour, baking powder, bicarb. of soda, sugar and eggs. Stir until combined.

4. Pop the Nutella and the milk into a small pan and melt together on a low heat.

5. Add the Nutella into the mixing bowl and fold in. Don't mix it too thoroughly as you want to achieve a kind of marbled effect.
6. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and put it into the oven for 30-40 minutes. However, mine took about 50 minutes to cook through completely.
7. Leave to cool on a wire rack before removing from the tin.

Let's pretend that this a totally healthy cake which also counts to one of your 5-a-day, shall we?

See you soon!
